Sander Dekker, Dutch State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science welcomes the new RoadmapOn the occasion of the ESFRI Roadmap 2016 launch event, Sander Dekker hands over a big compliment to John Womersley (ESFRI Chair) and all the academics who have contributed to the 2016 Roadmap on Research Infrastructures in Europe, and expresses his hope that the Roadmap will be welcomed by the EU Competitiveness Council. Find more interviews on... |
The final Report of the Working Group on Innovation has now formally been endorsed by the ForumThe final report of the Working Group on Innovation was presented to ESFRI according to the mandate which was given in 2013 (and extended in June 2015) to the Working Group on Innovation and following the conclusions of the discussion of the interim report presented at the 53rd meeting of the Forum held in Lisbon on the... |
John Womersley talks about the new ESFRI Roadmap 2016On the occasion of the ESFRI Roadmap 2016 launch event which took place in Amsterdam at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences (10.03.2016), John Womersley, ESFRI Chair, was interviewed on the new Roadmap on Research Infrastructures in Europe. Observing that "ESFRI has worked very hard... |
On mutual co-operation between e-IRG and ESFRISverker Holmgren, e-IRG Chair; John Womersley, ESFRI Chair; and Giorgio Rossi, future president of ESFRI, interviewed by the Primeur Magazine: |