Social Innovation
E-RIHS (Project)
European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science
An infrastructure for heritage interpretation, preservation, documentation and management
European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
A Research Infrastructure for Holocaust research and remembrance
CESSDA ERIC (Landmark)
Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives
A large scale, integrated and sustainable platform for data services to the social sciences
CLARIN ERIC (Landmark)
Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure
A unique single sign-on access to all digital language resources and tools for Humanities and Social Sciences
DARIAH ERIC (Landmark)
Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
A network to enhance and support digitally enabled research and teaching across the Arts and Humanities
ESS ERIC (Landmark)
European Social Survey
A cross-national survey to assemble, interpret and disseminate data on social attitudes and behaviours
SHARE ERIC (Landmark)
Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
Multidisciplinary and cross-national panel database of microdata of individuals aged 50 or older