ESFRI Structure
A brief overview of the composition and role of some of the key players in the Forum, ESFRI members, ESFRI executive Board and ESFRI executive secretariat.
The ESFRI Chair is appointed from among the ESFRI delegates, for a two-year non-renewable term. The current Chair is Jose Luis Martínez Peña, Research Professor Instituto Ciencia Materiales de Madrid - CSIC. The main tasks of the Chair include:
- To propose a planning for ESFRI activities
- To conduct meetings and to act as moderator for discussions
- To approve draft agendas and summaries of meetings
- To represent ESFRI in matters agreed by the Forum.
ESFRI Executive Board
An Executive Board assists the Chair in the planning of ESFRI activities. This board is composed of the ESFRI Chair, of the EC representative and of ESFRI Delegates selected by consensus.
ESFRI Members/Delegates
The ESFRI Delegates shall be senior science policy officials or equivalent representing the Ministers responsible for Research in each of those States wishing to take part; they shall have access to and be capable of influencing policy-making in their own country. A senior science policy official shall represent the European Commission. The members of each delegation are nominated by their Minister(s) for two years and may be confirmed whenever appropriate.
ESFRI Executive Secretariat
The ESFRI Secretariat is provided by the European Commission. The primary role of the Secretariat is to assist the Forum in its operation. In particular, it assists the Chair and Executive Board in the preparation and circulation of draft agendas, meeting summaries and related documents.