Welcome to the ESFRI Monitoring System (ESFRI-MOS)

ESFRI MoS is the central online platform for information on ESFRI Projects and Landmarks. It is based on data from the ESFRI Roadmap 2018 and will include updated information for the ESFRI Roadmap 2021.

It has been developed as a service by the StR-ESFRI2 Project to provide crucial guide and support for dedicated workflows of ESFRI and its working groups during the roadmapping update processes, and to offer general information on ESFRI Research Infrastructures to the public.

The modular design of ESFRI MoS includes:

  1. a workflow system for submission and evaluation of new proposals for Research Infrastructures to enter the ESFRI Roadmap
  2. a workflow system for the monitoring of ESFRI Research Infrastructures
  3. a repository for viewing, editing, adding, and querying basic data and statistics on ESFRI Research Infrastructures

The objectives of ESFRI-MOS are:

  1. to support key target groups in their periodical selection / monitoring / update process towards decision making on ESFRI Research Infrastructures
  2. to develop a user-friendly and user-targeted system that is scalable both in terms of additional information dimensions within the system and in connection with other systems as well as in terms of further modular functions

The overall goal of ESFRI MoS is to provide efficient knowledge management for supporting political decision making and public awareness on Research Infrastructures.