The final Report of the Working Group on Innovation has now formally been endorsed by the Forum
The final report of the Working Group on Innovation was presented to ESFRI according to the mandate which was given in 2013 (and extended in June 2015) to the Working Group on Innovation and following the conclusions of the discussion of the interim report presented at the 53rd meeting of the Forum held in Lisbon on the 12th of June 2015. The report focuses on the main objectives which were defined by the Forum, namely to contribute to the development of a strategy aimed to strengthen and improve the relations between Research Infrastructures and Industry and to promote the potential for innovation of Research Infrastructures in all its aspects. All sections of the report are concentrated on these issues. Examples of good practices are given in text boxes.
A set of conclusions and recommendations has been drawn to the attention of Research Infrastructures managers and ESFRI in the perspective of the further implementation of the ESFRI Roadmap. The group held 8 meetings in which representatives of the various categories of stakeholders were successively invited to participate and to present their experiences, needs and expectations.
Downloand the Report here.
To find more on the work of the ESFRI Working Group on Innovation, watch the interview of its Chair, Jean Moulin, who stressed the importance of an increased co-operation between industry and innovation policy on Research Infrastructures. The interview was taken on the occassion of the ESFRI Roadmap 2016 Launch event, which was held in Amsterdam (10.03.2016).