On mutual co-operation between e-IRG and ESFRI
Sverker Holmgren, e-IRG Chair; John Womersley, ESFRI Chair; and Giorgio Rossi, future president of ESFRI, interviewed by the Primeur Magazine:
During the joint eIRG and ESFRI meeting in Amsterdam, Sverker Holmgren (e-IRG Chair), John Womersley (current ESFRI Chair) and Giorgio Rossi (current vice-Chair and future Chair) gave a joint interview for Primeur Magazine and stressed the importance of ESFRI and eIRG’s cooperation in shaping the European Research Infrastructures’ ecosystem.
The interview took place in Amsterdam, on the occasion of a series of events on research infrastructures and e-infrastructures, including the e-IRG Open Workshop, the ESFRI Exchange of Experience workshop on funding opportunities for new ESFRI Projects, and, most importantly, the launch of the 2016 ESFRI Roadmap that took place at the Royal Dutch Academy in Amsterdam, March 10, 2016.
Watch the interview here.