ESFRI EoE Workshop on Horizon EU Preparatory Phase and Funding

The online Workshop on Horizon EU Preparatory Phase and Funding, organized as part of the Exchange of Experience (EoEs) series, was successfully completed on Monday, November 15th, 2021. The event brought together 120 representatives of ESFRI RI projects and RIs on various stages of the lifecycle process, providing a platform for exchange of experiences, dissemination of best practices and invaluable lessons learned amongst the...


Report for ESFRI monitoring exercise of the 2016 projects is published

ESFRI Forum publishes a report summarising the overall conclusions and recommendations of the 2016 ESFRI Projects monitoring exercise concluded in June 2020, in the framework of preparing the ESFRI Roadmap 2021. During the monitoring process, the ESFRI Working Groups (WGs), composed by the relevant Strategy Working Groups (SWGs) and the...


2nd ESFRI Open Session video recording is now available

The 2nd ESFRI Open Session was organised on 22 September 2021 online, as part of the 77th ESFRI Plenary Meeting, and the leading theme was the European Green Deal. This is the second edition of the newly introduced ESFRI initiative, aiming at strengthening the ESFRI communication strategy. ESFRI Open Sessions are organised twice a year and are intended to serve both the ESFRI Delegates and representatives of the ESFRI Research Infrastructures (RIs) and facilitate both-ways exchange. ...


Join now ESFRI Stakeholders Forum, the new initiative by ESFRI

Do you want to participate in the dialogue about Research Infrastructures in Europe and their future, exchange point of views and network better? Fill out the Expression of Interest form, become an active member of the ESFRI Stakeholders Forum and help consolidate the European RI's ecosystem.   
The ESFRI Stakeholders Forum is a newly established platform,...

