CERIC publishes paper on the State of Open Access Procedures at RIs

CERIC has published a paper on the "State of Open Access Procedures at Research Infrastructures",  analysing the Open Access Procedures of RIs in Europe, their efforts towards harmonization and adaptation during the COVID-19 emergency.  Research Infrastructures were forced to speed up and apply remote access extensively, raising a series of issues partly due to the lack of technologies and dedicated...


CERIC publishes paper on the Charter for Access to RIs

In the European Commission’s Communication "A new ERA for Research and Innovation", the EC proposes that Member States reinforce their commitment to shared policies and principles, by adopting a Pact for Research and Innovation. In the field of Research Infrastructures (RIs), a relevant contribution to such a Pact is the...


CERIC opens call for research proposals

The Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC-ERIC) opens a call for proposals, providing an opportunity for researchers from all over the world, to conduct multidisciplinary and multi-technique research in all fields of materials and biomaterials sciences, and nanotechnology. Applicants of this call will also have the opportunity to benefit from the upcoming increase of CERIC capacities in the field of...


ESFRI in the Africa-Europe Symposium on RIs

ESFRI proudly participates in the virtual Africa-Europe Symposium on Research Infrastructures (1-2 February, 2021), that aims to bring together delegates from African and European RIs, science policy organisations and research institutions to discuss opportunities and challenges for RI cooperations between the two continents.

ESFRI will be represented by the ESFRI Vice-Chair, Prof. Yannis Ioannidis, who will take part in the "Panel discussion:...

