EC: stakeholder consultation on the draft Code of Practice

The European Commission has launched an open consultation on a draft Code of Practice on standardisation for researchers.

The consultation aims to co-create the Code of Practice that shall be instrumental for research actors to raise awareness and to replicate good practices of effective standardisation strategies in bringing research results to the market.
The Code of Practice shall provide a set of recommendations, relevant for EU, national and local research and innovation (...


RESILIENCE’s Transnational Access Program Now Available to the Religious Studies Community

RESILIENCE, the European Research Infrastructure for Religious Studies, is proud to offer its first service to the Religious Studies community: the Transnational Access (TNA) Program. Users of this program will gain direct, fast, and effective access to the collections of seven leading research institutions and universities in Europe, guided by experts in the field.
Call for Applications
The current call for applications is open from May 16 to...


High-level conference on Europe’s Green and Digital Transition

As part of the EU French Council Presidency, the European Commission, the CEA and...


ESFRI publishes the 20th Anniversary Conference Outcomes

The outcomes of the ESFRI 20th Anniversary Conference are now published in the event page, here.

The Conference organized as part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union by ESFRI and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation with the support of the...

