ISIDORe launches its Preparedness programme calls for proposals

ISIDORe (Integrated Services for Infectious Disease Outbreak Research), a consortium coordinated by ESFRI Landmark ERINHA, is pleased to announce the launch of the preparedness programme calls for proposals for free-of-charge access to our state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge services, advanced equipment and technologies.


ESFRI at ICRI 2022

The 4th International Conference on Research Infrastructures ICRI2022 runs in Brno from the 19th to the 21st of October, under the care of the Czech Presidency of the European Council. ICRI2022 is a major worldwide event providing an opportunity for strategic discussions about international cooperation in research...


ESFRI publishes outcomes & video of the SF High-Level Launch event

The summary outcomes of the High-Level Launch of the ESFRI Stakeholders Forum (24 March 2022, online) have been published (download PDF).This fully digital, by-invitation only event marked the formal establishment of the ESFRI Stakeholders Forum.

Watch below the summary video featuring the key...


Submit your contribution to the 1st ESFRI SF Meetup

The ESFRI Stakeholders Forum is a platform aiming at promoting open dialogue among the different stakeholders of the European R&I ecosystem. For the upcoming 1st ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup (15.09.2022), stakeholders are invited to submit their input on the 1st ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup agenda topics.

ESFRI welcomes your comments, issues, ideas, and any other discussion points for the...

