RESILIENCE: Call for Transnational Access FellowshipsRESILIENCE, the European Research Infrastructure for Religious Studies, launches its second call for applications for Transnational Access Fellowships. The call will be open May 15 to July 1, 2023. Users will gain direct, fast, and effective access to the collections of leading research institutions and universities in Europe, guided by experts in the field. |
Co-creating the future of RIs: Your contribution is valuableESFRI's ambitious 2-year Workplan is now entering into a phase, with dedicated ESFRI expert groups actively working to propose action plans for ESFRI and the broader RI community, addressing pressing issues. During this phase, increased input from Research Infrastructures will be needed, through various questionnaires and calls for contribution. ESFRI kindly invites the community of European Research... |
RISCAPE project: International RI Landscape 2019The RISCAPE H2020 project performed an extensive analysis providing new insights on the landscape and the operations, services and organisation of RIs globally. This work produced a comprehensive report titled "International Research Infrastrucrure Landscape 2019", published via Zenodo (click here to... |
ESFRI statement on collaboration with Switzerland and other third countriesThe European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) aims to support a coherent and strategic approach to European research infrastructure policy-making. It is organised as a European Commission’s expert group with membership limited to EU member states, countries associated to the research framework programme and the European Commission. With Switzerland not being associated to Horizon Europe, its participation in ESFRI as a full member of the Forum was no longer possible. The... |