
Ukraine: Developing Transnational Access to European Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences and Humanities

Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 9:00-13:00h CEST, Zoom

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There is growing potential to integrate Ukraine in European research infrastructures. The webinar focusses on research infrastructures in the social sciences and humanities (SSH). Since 2022, Ukraine is associated to Horizon Europe and several initiatives support Ukrainian participation in European research infrastructures. Supporting research infrastructures is not only a question of supporting research and science, but part of a wider effort to produce evidence for policy. Research infrastructures in SSH collect data on society and culture that can support decision making in social, economic, cultural or health policy.

Aim of the upcoming webinar

Several European research infrastructures have started specific initiatives to support research communities in Ukraine and the development of research infrastructure in their field. It is also necessary to develop broader platforms that connect these initiatives.

Listen to presentations from Ukrainian researchers, representatives of various European research infrastructures (ERICs), the ESFRI Strategic Working Group on SSH, SSHOC, the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, the Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine and the European Commission.

Participants will discuss challenges, for instance in the field of data collection, data archiving and data access for SSH disciplines. There is also a growing interest on tools and collaborations to understand the dynamics of Ukrainian diaspora across European countries. The webinar aims to establish collaborations among researchers, policy makers and funders from the field. Specific support mechanisms, through national and European actors, will be further discussed.

Find latest version of the programme of the webinar here.

To register, please send an email to merja.hykkonen@helsinki.fi, until September 16, 2024. You will then get the link to the Zoom.


The webinar is a collaboration of the ESFRI Strategy Working Group on Social Sciences and Humanities, together with SSHOC, the Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine and the National Research Foundation of Ukraine.