Staff Working Document on the long-term sustainability of Research Infrastructures
The European Commission has launched a debate with EU Member States on establishing a European action plan on long term sustainability of European Research Infrastructures. The Staff Working Document, published by the Commission, sets a strong basis for discussion, outlining key issues the different stakeholders will address and prioritize in the action plan.
The Staff Working Document puts forward the challenges and potential actions, such as:
- Synchronizing national research infrastructures roadmaps and their budgets
- Making Research Infrastructures available more broadly by establishing cross-border access schemes
- Launching large-scale pilots involving Research Infrastructures and industry
- Exploiting the data produced by European Research Infrastructures in a more strategic way
- Putting in place effective governance mechanisms at European level
- Finding ways to increasingly and more efficiently use the European Structural Investment Funds, the European Fund for Strategic Investments, and the InnovFin – EU Finance for Innovators programme for developing Research Infrastructures
- Promoting the international outreach of Research Infrastructures and using them as flagships for European science policy
The development on an action plan on sustainable European Research Infrastructures will also feed into the discussions about the EU's post-2020 long-term budget, including the successor of Horizon 2020, the current EU research and innovation funding programme.
Download the Staff Working Document HERE
Source: European Commission, Research and Innovation, Infrastructures