ESFRI report alerts to risks of shutting down neutron facilities in Europe
Projection foresees major instantaneous reduction in neutron instruments avaιlable to Europe’s scientists once ILL shuts down
An assessment of the future landscape of neutron scattering facilities in Europe, has been carried out as part of the ESFRI Roadmap 2016. The Landscape Analysis identifies the existing resources, the gaps and the potential evolution of the field in the foreseeable future. In the report, ESFRI recognises the importance of neutron scattering to science. Europe currently leads neutron science, offering 32000 instrument days per year to over 6000 users from both academia and industry who use the results to inform a myriad of scientific fields. The construction of the future European Spallation Source (ESS) is seen as an important step for the evolution of European science. However, the future doesn’t bring only brightness. Read the full story in
Inês Crespo, 20/05/2016
Photo Credit: ILL Aerial view
Copyright: ILL/Peter Ginter