The English version of the new Danish Roadmap on Research Infrastructures is available online
The Danish National Roadmap on Research Infrastructures was developed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science as a strategic delineation of future research infrastructure initiatives. It was published in December 2015 and its English edition is now available here
A national strategy is important in addressing some of the structural challenges currently shaping research infrastructure policy, and which are causing key decisions on research infrastructure to tend in favour of national-level coordination.
The "Danish Roadmap for Research Infrastructure 2015", consequently presents the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science's vision and strategic objectives for this policy area over the coming five years. At the same time, it presents a catalogue of specific proposals for national infrastructures, which in the short term are recommended as investment prospects.
Chapter 2 elaborates on the potential and significance of research infrastructure for research, education, innovation and growth. This chapter also sets out a number of challenges that lead into the presentation of the Ministry's vision and eight strategic objectives towards 2020 in Chapter 3. These will pave the way for the Ministry's research infrastructure initiatives in the coming years. Chapter 4 contains a catalogue of 22 specific prososals for research infrastructures of national significance.
The Roadmap and its catalogue were compiled on the basis of active involvement by and dialogue with Danish universities and other national research institutions, and replace the previous Danish Roadmap for Research Infrastructure from 2011.
For more info on National Roadmaps for Research Infrastructures in Europe, check here.