ESFRI participation in ICRI 2021
ESFRI participated in the International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2021, 1-3 June 2021) with multiple representatives and a diverse array of contributions.
ICRI is a global forum encouraging cooperation and discussion on matters of international relevance for research infrastructures, and this year's edition was centered around "The role or Research Infrastructures in building bridges to a sustainable world". The event was fully virtual and was organized by Canada Foundation for Innovation and the European Commission.
ESFRI Chair Jan Hrušák participated as one of the the leaders of parallel Theme C "Assessing and communicating societal impact: The impact of Research Infrastructures and their contribution to societal welfare", and contributed as a panelist to the Plenary Session 1 "The role of research and infrastructure in building as sustainable world". Moreover, EB members as well as WG chairs and ESFRI delegates participated in parallel sessions, as speakers or moderators. ESFRI's presence was completed with a virtual exhibit booth in the Global Infrastructure Showcase, the exhibitor's area for RIs in the conference platform.
The next International Conference on Research Infrastructures ICRI 2022 will be held in Brno, Czech Republic (19-21 October 2022), where the most challenging issues and pressing needs in research infrastructure policy-making related to both the post-pandemic recovery and the future development of research infrastructures will be discussed.
Find the Conference proceedings of ICRI 2021 here.
For more information on ICRI 2022, visit the event website.