1st ESFRI Exchange of Experience Workshop on Preparatory Phase: summary and outcomes
The 1st StR-ESFRI Exchange of Experience Workshop took place on March 9th, in Amsterdam, and aimed at providing a platform for effective, high level interaction (exchange of experiences) coordination and networking between ESFRI Projects and selected ESFRI Landmarks, on the one hand, and the European Commission, ESFRI Working Group on Implementation (IG) and ESFRI Strategy Working Groups (SWG) on the other hand.
As the ESFRI Roadmap 2016 includes a number of ESFRI Projects which are currently benefiting or will soon benefit from Preparatory Phase funding under Horizon 2020, the workshop focused on how to make the most effective use of this funding - a crucial step in the implementation of an ESFRI RI- and enabled experience transfer from projects that have successfully gone through this phase in the past. Withmore than 70 participants, it suceeded to mobilize discussion on how to identify and overcome the main bottlenecks in RI implementation and inform the current ESFRI strategy on assessment of implementation and the objectives of the forthcoming Roadmap updates. According to a survey which was conducted after the end of the workshop, it turned out that 99% of the participants were very satisfied/satisfied with the content and quality of the information received. StR- ESFRI produced a Report to summarize the main thematic issues of interest to the community. Read the full report here