
The EU Commissioner for Research and Innovation, Ms. Mariya Gabriel, welcomes the publication of ESFRI White Paper, the key document for the future of Research Infrastructures in Europe and underlines that we can achieve our big, common objectives, and make Europe a better place to live, only by pulling together what we have best in Europe, across countries and disciplines: “I believe this White Paper will further strengthen Europe’s capacity to develop science based solutions that will help tackle global challenges and directly benefit European citizens. Europe’s research infrastructures have been key to the way we have been able to pool our resources in our response to the coronavirus. Let’s work together to make sure that we continue to produce some of the best science in the world.”

In “Making Science Happen” the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) presents its vision for how Research Infrastructures can help meeting the challenges of the new European Research Area (ERA).

For more details please visit the White Paper website. Join us also on 15 May 2020 at the, fully digital, Croatian Presidency Conference ‘European Research Infrastructures for a Smarter Future’ for a discussion on how to take this ambitious vision forward. Details are coming soon on the ESFRI website.