Implementing a healthy RI ecosystem in Europe
Implementing a healthy RI ecosystem in Europe
A healthy integral ecosystem of RIs in Europe is a prerequisite for competitive development of European research and innovation, and thus, for the competitiveness and sustainability of the European economy. Roadmapping is an important tool for strategic development of RIs on the national and European levels12 12. ERA Progress Report 2018 – Data gathering and information for the 2018 ERA monitoring – Technical Report, February 2019 Despite the progress made in the last decade at the level of pan-European RIs and the success of ESFRI in triggering national processes, the diversity of national research and innovation systems leads to a variety of approaches to the roadmapping and funding of RIs.
Notwithstanding this diversity, it is worth considering the development of certain common features13 13. InRoad final report - Main findings and recommendations, December 2018 which make the overall Research Infrastructure policy more effective:
- regular updates of inventories of existing RIs and an identification of needs and gaps,
- a transparent prioritisation of national needs that take into account the European perspectives,
- better coordination of RI roadmapping processes into the national research and innovation eco systems, taking outreach to other relevant national policies (education, health, etc.) into account,
- prioritisation of new and existing RIs in view of the available funding for RIs,
- the setup of coordination structures for RIs at ministry level,
- and supporting coherence between national and European RI processes.