Launch of the European Open Science Cloud

The Austrian Presidency and the European Commission invite stakeholders from all Member States to celebrate the launch of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).  The launch event on 23 November 2018 marks the conclusion of a long process of consultation and reflection with stakeholders and is a symbolic start for the EOSC. 
The Vienna Declaration on the European Open Science Cloud Governance Structure summarizes the...


ESFRI Workshop on 'Monitoring of RIs, periodic update of Landmarks, use of KPIs' will be streamed LIVE

ESFRI Workshop 'Monitoring of RIs, periodic update of Landmarks, use of KPIs' which will take place in Milan, on 19-20 November will be streamed LIVE on ESFRI youtube channel. 
Drawing from the Pilot Periodic Review Exercise carried out with 4 Landmarks and considering EU Council Conclusions of 29 May 2018 on developing a common methodology for monitoring of RIs and on the European Open...


The Launch Event of the 2018 ESFRI Roadmap on Research Infrastructures marks a big day for European Research

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The updated Strategy Report and Roadmap 2018 of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, a true success story of the European Research Area, was officially announced in a vibrant and successful event which took place at the Jesuit Hall of the Aula der Wissenschaften, in Vienna, Austria. 
On 11 September...


The presentations of the ESFRI Roadmap 2018 Launch Event are available online

On September 11th, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) presented the 2018 ESFRI Roadmap on Large Scale Research Infrastructures during a half-day conference in Vienna. The video recording of the event and the presentations are available online.

