ESFRI offers condolences over the loss of Marc De Jonge, Chair of SWG on Environment

ESFRI, on behalf of its Chair Jan Hrusak, expressed deepest condolences over the loss of Marc R. de Jonge, Chair of the Strategy Working Group on Environment.
Marc was not only a valuable member of the Forum and played a crucial role in the development of European RI policies, but also for many ESFRI delegates, has been a good friend and a warm, gentle and very knowledgeable person.


ESFRI RIs and EOSC Workshop Summary Report

The Report of the ESFRI RIs and EOSC workshop summarizes the main outcomes and conclusions of the workshop that ESFRI organized in London, January 30th 2019.

The main objective of the workshop was the liaison among ESFRI, ESFRI RIs and EOSC stakeholders, in order to align activities and ensure the optimal integration of ESFRI RIs in developing the...


Towards a new catalogue of RI services: CatRIS runs an open consultation process

A new H2020-funded project, CatRIS has recently been launched with the aim to develop a catalogue of RI services – CatRIS. CatRIS (Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services) was set up to make available, via an online gateway, information about research infrastructure (RI) services offered in Europe.


The StR-ESFRI2 project was officially kicked-off during a meeting in Liblice

The partners of the StR-ESFRI (Support to Reinforce ESFRI) Project are very pleased to announce the launch of the EU funded (H2020 Grant Agreement 823711) StR-ESFRI2 Project.

