Los Cancajos, La Palma, Canary Islands
06.11.2019 to 08.11.2019

The event is part of Exchange of Experience (EoE) workshops.

This event was live-streamed via the ESFRI YouTube Channel. The resulting video will be available for viewing in a few days.

With the next Roadmap of European Research Infrastructures, foreseen for publication in 2021, ESFRI will end the second cycle of its Roadmaps, comprising the editions of 2006, 2008, 2010, 2016 and 2018. The last two editions have demonstrated clearly how the landscape of research infrastructures in Europe has evolved and matured.

As demonstrated through the work on long-term sustainability of research infrastructures over the last three years, the facilities that have now become operational face very different challenges to the ones early in their lifecycle.

Recognising the nature of these challenges and responding to the invitation of the Competitiveness Council to strengthen its strategic role, ESFRI started a comprehensive reflection process on the role of research infrastructures and ESFRI itself in the evolving European Research Area.

The objective of this workshop is to discuss with the research infrastructures, thematic clusters and other stakeholders a number of key topics that emerged through this process in a view of preparing a formal ESFRI document in December 2019.

ESFRI Workshop on the Future of RIs Full Programme
6 November

Welcome – context, scope and objectives of the Workshop 

Jan Hrusak, ESFRI Chair


Session 1. The role of Research Infrastructures and ESFRI in EOSC – Part 1

This session will take stock of the current state of implementation of the EOSC and the links of Research Infrastructures with this process. Ongoing activities will be discussed, and the remaining challenges explored. The discussion will in particular focus on how ESFRI follows up the EOSC development and how it can contribute to its ongoing or future activities. ESFRI EOSC Task Force as an important advisory tool will have a central role in the discussion, and in the preparation of a future oriented ESFRI position related to EOSC. The importance of ESFRI RI clusters, their approaches and their achievements related to EOSC implementation will flow into the debate. An important issue will be communication to the different EOSC bodies, and the question how to effectively spread ESFRI inputs to the EOSC activities to create biggest impact on its implementation. The event will also offer an opportunity to consider new topics for a potential dedicated ESFRI Exchange of Experience workshop on related matters.

  • Introduction – 15’

Mirjam van Daalen, Chair of ESFRI Task Force on EOSC (download the presentation)

  • Interplay of horizontal e-Infrastructures and thematic RIs – 15’

Ludek Matyska, Director, Institute of Computer Science, Masaryk University (download the presentation)

  • The e-IRG National Nodes Paper – 15’ 

Sverker Holmgren, Uppsala University, Swedish Delegate to e-IRG (download the presentation)

  • Getting ready for EOSC: a research infrastructure perspective – 15’

Nicholas Pade, Executive Director, EMBRC ERIC (download the presentation)


Coffee break


Session 1. The role of Research Infrastructures and ESFRI in EOSC – Part 2

  • Round table discussions – 60’
  1. What is the EOSC according to you as a user and/or provider? 
  2. Which benefits should EOSC bring for the end users?
  3. Which kinds of EOSC end users would you define?
  4. For EOSC there needs to be a change of culture to open research data according to the FAIR data principles: how can we tackle this?
  • Feedback from the tables – 20’

Table Rapporteurs

  • Wrap-up panel: Key messages – 20’

Session Chair and Speakers




Visit to Roque de los Muchachos Observatory

7 November

Welcome to Day 2

  • Welcome by the Spanish Authorities – 10’
  • Presentation of Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias – 10’

Rafael Rebolo López, IAC Director (download the presentation)

  • Future European research and innovation agenda – 10’

Adam Tyson, Head of Unit for Research and Industrial Infrastructures, European Commission


Session 2. Consolidation of the Research Infrastructure landscape – how to make the most impact

Chair: Gelsomina Pappalardo

The landscape of Research Infrastructures is more and more mature, developed and interconnected, equipping European scientists with state-of-the-art facilities to conduct world-class research and foster innovation. This session will discuss how to foster a more integrated, ecosystem approach in order to enable the RIs to help effectively address the common challenges that Europe is facing and which increasingly require a multidimensional approach. 

  • Introduction – 4’

Gelsomina Pappalardo, ESFRI Executive Board Member (download the presentation)

  • Landscape of the European Research Infrastructures– 7’

Jose Luis Martinez, Chair of ESFRI Strategy Working Group on Physical Sciences and Engineering (download the presentation)

  • Joint activities across RIs: opportunities and challenges – 7’

Rory Fitzgerald, Director, European Social Survey ERIC

  • Consolidation initiatives among European RIs - 7'

Fransesco Florindi, Strategy & Partnership Manager, BBMRI ERIC (download the presentation)


  • Round table discussions – 45’
  1. ESFRI role as incubator across the RI lifecycle – how can it be improved?    
  2. How to foster interconnections among the RIs, within a single scientific domain and across different scientific domains, for supporting interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research for new research frontiers?    
  3. What relationship should ESFRI have with sectorial initiatives, international networks, other RIs not included in the ESFRI Roadmap as well as with national and regional RIs? 

Feedback from the tables – 20’


Table Rapporteurs 

Wrap-up panel: Key messages – 10’


Session Chair and Speakers


Coffee break


Session 3. Fostering effective open access to Research Infrastructures 

Chair: Yannis Ioannidis

One of the key elements in fostering scientific excellence in Europe is ensuring that researchers, wherever they are, have the possibility to access facilities, resources and services of the first class European Research Infrastructures, suitable to their needs. This session will discuss the current access practices, funding models, challenges and bottlenecks across the different scientific domains and explore effective ways to make further progress in this area. The reflection on the European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures and possible improvements to this document will be part of the discussion. 

  • Introduction – 4’

Yannis Ioannidis, ESFRI Vice-Chair (download the presentation)

  • Access to Research Infrastructures : Finances – 7’

Jose Luis Martinez, Chair of ESFRI Strategy Working Group on Physical Sciences and Engineering (download the presentation)

  • Access to Research Infrastructures : Services – 7’

Martin Van Breukelen, Executive Manager, European Magnetic Field Laboratory (download the presentation)

  • Access to Research Infrastructures : Operations – 7’ 

Christine Kubiak, Operations Director, ECRIN ERIC 

  • Round table discussions – 45’     
  1. What are the current (transnational) access models/policies used for members of ESFRI RIs? What are their key weaknesses with respect to ensuring effective access? Are there any differences across RIs in different scientific domains?    
  2. Are there any specific transnational member access models/policies for distributed ESFRI RIs or any specific challenges they face in offering such access?    
  3. What are the main funding models used for ESFRI RI member access and what are their key weaknesses? Are there any differences across RIs in different scientific domains?    
  4. Are there any specific funding models for member access to distributed ESFRI RIs and what are their key weaknesses?    
  5. What are the current (transnational) access models/policies and corresponding funding models used for non-members of ESFRI RIs, in general, and of distributed RIs, in particular? What are their key weaknesses with respect to ensuring effective access? Are there any differences across RIs in different scientific domains?    
  6. Each ESFRI RI has a different country geometry, inevitably, scientists from several countries do not have member access privileges. Should a pan-European RI access “market” be developed (in the context of a renewed ERA), with access policies and funding models complementary to those of individual ESFRI RIs? 
  • Feedback from the tables – 20’

Table Rapporteurs 

  • Wrap-up panel: Key messages – 10’

Session Chair and Speakers




Session 4. ESFRI framework for monitoring of Research Infrastructure performance


Chair: Peter Wenzel-Constabel

ESFRI Working Group has been established to propose a methodology to monitor the performance of RIs based on KPIs, taking into account the diversity of RIs and the aim that they will be adopted widely and effectively. This session will present the methodology for a final discussion and will explore the ways to foster its uptake by RIs, funding authorities and stakeholders. 

  • Introduction – 5’

Peter Wenzel-Constabel, ESFRI Executive Board Member (download the presentation)

  • ESFRI RI monitoring framework – 10

Jana Kolar, Member of ESFRI WG on Monitoring (download the presentation)

  • RI perspective on performance monitoring – 15’

Werner Kutsch, Director General, ICOS ERIC  (download the presentation)

Ute Gunsenheimer, Head of External Relations and EU Projects, European Spallation Source ERIC (download the presentation)

  • Round table discussions – 45’
  1. What roles do you see for the ESFRI RIs, national funders and ESFRI (Strategic Working Groups, EB, Forum) in the dialogue process on the definition of specific objectives and indicators and in the further process of implementation and "monitoring the monitoring system"?
  2. What do you regard as the main obstacles in implementing such an approach, are there major obstacles for the acceptance of such an approach by the RIs?
  3. Are there any recommendations missing that would increase usefulness and acceptance of such an approach; taking into account the diversity of RIs?
  • Feedback from the tables – 20’

Table Rapporteurs

  • Wrap-up panel: Key messages – 10’

Session Chair and Speakers


Coffee break


Session 5. National RI Roadmaps and funding models – improving synergies with European priorities and programmes

Chair: Agnieszka Zalewska

Greater synergies between national RI Roadmaps and funding decisions with the European priorities and funding programmes are needed to foster a more effective implementation of the RIs across their lifecycle and improve their long-term sustainability. This session will take a look at InRoad recommendations and debate the different funding practices for RIs identified on national roadmaps and will explore how to improve their synergies with the European programmes foreseen under the new MFF.

  • Introduction – 5’

Agnieszka Zalewska, ESFRI Executive Board Member (download the presentation)

  • National RI Roadmaps and funding models: InRoad recommendations – 10’

Gerd Ruecker, Senior Scientific Officer, DLR-PT (download the presentation)

  • National RI Roadmaps and funding models: practical experiences – 10’

Jeannette Ridder, Chair of ESFRI Implementation Group (download the presentation)

  • Round table discussions – 45’
  1. Which practices in your national road-mapping and funding procedures would you recommend to other countries for improving synergies with European priorities and programmes? Are there examples when your national procedures have been adapted to better align with the ESFRI roadmap process?
  2. What lessons did you learn for areas that didn't work so well in your national road-mapping and funding procedures for building synergies with European priorities and programmes and/or to align with the ESFRI roadmap process?
  3. What improvements in the national road-mapping and funding procedures would be most welcome from the RIs point of view to improve their functioning and long-term sustainability?
  4. What improvements in the ESFRI road-mapping procedures would be most welcome from the decision makers' and RIs’ points of view?
  • Feedback from the tables – 20’

Table Rapporteurs

  • Wrap-up panel: Key messages – 10’

Session Chair and Speakers


Gala Dinner

8 November

Welcome to Day 3

Jan Hrusak, ESFRI Chair


Session 6. Research Infrastructures in the evolving European Research Area: the role of ESFRI – Part 1 

Chair: Inmaculada Figueroa

Research Infrastructures play a crucial role for the excellence and competitiveness of the European Research Area. This session will take stock of the ongoing discussions on the future of ERA and will explore how to reinforce ESFRI and the European RIs to help make ERA stronger and more successful. 

  • Future of the European Research Area – 15

Inmaculada Figueroa, ESFRI Vice-Chair (download the presentation)

  • Improving implementation of Research Infrastructures – 15’

Giorgio Rossi, Chair of European Commission High-level Expert Group on Research Infrastructures (download the presentation)

  • Round table discussions – 30’     
  1. How RIs can contribute to the strengthening of ERA? What is the role ESFRI must play in the new ERA narrative?
  2. How could ESFRI and the EC work better together to facilitate the implementation of RIs?
  3. How to foster stronger collaboration of European RIs with those at national and regional level? 
  • Feedback from the tables – 20’

Table Rapporteurs 

  • Wrap-up panel: Key messages – 10’

Session Chair and Speakers


Coffee break


Session 6. Research Infrastructures in the evolving European Research Area: the role of ESFRI – Part 2

  • Future of Research Infrastructures and ESFRI – 15’

Jan Hrusak, ESFRI Chair

  • Panel 1 – Strategic Orientations – 30’
  1. RIs as knowledge hubs and pillars of competitiveness – Jana Kolar, Executive Director, CERIC-ERIC (download the presentation)
  2. RIs responsiveness to the society & contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals – Juan Josè Dañobeitia Canales, Director General, EMSO ERIC (download the presentation)
  3. Global dimension: Global Research Infrastructures, internationalization, membership widening to third countries – Andrew Williams, Institutional Relations Officer, European Southern Observatory (download the presentation)
  • Panel 2 – RI’s as part of the EU Research &Innovation environment – 30’
  1. RIs role in support of Horizon Europe Missions & Clusters – Christos Arvanitidis, Chief Executive Officer, LIFEWATCH ERIC (download the presentation)
  2. RIs contributing to the EU big initiatives & policies: the case of Energy – Jose María Los Arcos, CIEMAT (download the presentation)
  3. RIs and HR training, skills and links with higher education – Caterina Petrillo, ESFRI Delegate (download the presentation)
  • Wrap-up: Key messages – 10’

Session Chair


Workshop Conclusions

Adam Tyson, Head of Unit for Research and Industrial Infrastructures, European Commission 

Jan Hrusak, ESFRI Chair

The meeting will take place at Hotel H10 Taburiente Playa in Los Cancajos (a tourist resort located just 3km from the airport and 5 km from Santa Cruz, the capital of La Palma Island). 

On Wednesday the 6th November, there will be an organised visit to the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory (ORM) of La Palma. This includes a bus ride to the Observatory from Hotel Taburiente (Los Cancajos), back visit to the Observatory and refreshments at the Observatory. Departure time from Hotel Taburiente (Los Cancajos) is 13:30 (the buses leave). The ORM is 2400m above sea-level in a mountain environment. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes and take a jacket with you, as it can get chilly at this time of the year. In case you suffer from travel sickness on mountain bus rides, please, take the appropriate medication with you.

Getting to La Palma (flight information) : The meeting will take place on La Palma Island (Canary Islands, Spain). When booking your flights choose: “Santa Cruz de La Palma“ (airport code SPC) as your destination. Airport has direct flights from Madrid and Barcelona. There are also direct chartered flights to La Palma Island from different locations in central and northern Europe.

La Palma Island is very well connected with the Tenerife North airport, with a dozen of flights per day, and also a few connections per day with Tenerife South airport. Information about flights arriving at or departing from the Spanish airports can be obtained at AENA.

Getting to hotel H10 Taburiente Playa (Los Cancajos): The meeting is held in H10 Taburiente Playa hotel - just 3 km from the airport. You can take a taxi from the airport to reach the hotel or you can also use the public bus (line 500), there is a bus stop just in front of the hotel (Airport-LosCancajos-bus timetable).


Important note: Registration has now been closed, as maximum number of attendees has been reached. The deadline for taking advantage of the reserved accommodation has also expired. If you are interested to participate but have not managed to register yet, please let us know at info@str-esfri.eu
The meeting will take place at Hotel H10 Taburiente Playa in Los Cancajos (a tourist resort located just 3km from the airport and 5 km from Santa Cruz, the capital of La Palma Island-see map below). Rooms blocking has been made till 15th September, participants are therefore encouraged to proceed with the hotel reservation and registration ASAP as there is a high season on La Palma in November and rooms cannot be blocked for longer time.
Please, make your own reservation directly on reservas.hta@h10hotels.com using reservation code “ESFRI La Palma 2019”.
Prices are as follows:
Double room with breakfast (1 person in room): 78 € per person/day
Double room with half board (1 person in room): 86 € per person/day
Double room with full board (1 person in room): 112 € per person/day
Double room with breakfast (2 people in room): 39 € per person/day
Double room with half board (2 people in room): 43 € per person/day
Double room with full board (2 people in room): 56 € per person/day
Half board: breakfast and dinner
Full board: breakfast, lunch, dinner
We recommend to order the full board as it is the most convenient and time saving way of catering during the conference
Limited number of Single rooms is available and will be reserved for those with limited budget. If this applies to you, please, let us know prior your accommodation reservation on (info@str-esfri.eu)
Single room with breakfast: 59 € per person/day
Single room with half board: 63 € per person/day
Single room with full board: 76 € per person/day

Hotel H10 Taburiente Playa

With the next Roadmap of European Research Infrastructures, foreseen for publication in 2021, ESFRI will end the second cycle of its Roadmaps, comprising the editions of 2006, 2008, 2010, 2016 and 2018. The last two editions have demonstrated clearly how the landscape of research infrastructures in Europe has evolved and matured. 

As demonstrated through the work on long-term sustainability of research infrastructures over the last three years, the facilities that have now become operational face very different challenges to the ones early in their lifecycle. 

Recognising the nature of these challenges and responding to the invitation of the Competitiveness Council to strengthen its strategic role, ESFRI started a comprehensive reflection process on the role of research infrastructures and ESFRI itself in the evolving European Research Area. 

In contribution to the reflection process, the ESFRI Workshop on the Future of Research Infrastructures in the European Research Area, organised by StR-ESFRI2 as an Exchange of Experience workshop, was hosted on 6th-9th November in La Palma, Spain.

Over 100 stakeholders participated from across research infrastructures, thematic clusters, the European Commision, national ministeries, ESFRI representatives and other ERA stakeholders and policy makers.

A survey conducted upon registration illustrated the three leading reasons delegates chose to attend the workshop, and the feedback questionnaire indicated that participants agreed that the event fulfilled their expectations, with a high score of 4.4/5.  
●    Participate in exploring the ways ESFRI can have more impact in the redesigned ERA
●    Exchange experience and ideas on how ESFRI can help RIs expand their offering to scientists and communities
●    Get a better idea of how the RI Monitoring process will be designed and implemented

The workshop was structured around a range of highly relevant focus areas, with a balanced mix of plenary session and round table discussions included in each to provide full opportunity for discussion.  The following summary reports reflect the collated outputs from the discussion topics, representing the views of the participants involved.

Please find the summary reports in the links below:


This event was live-streamed via the ESFRI YouTube Channel. The resulting video will be available for viewing in a few days.


Download the presentations in the links below:
Session 1. The role of Research Infrastructures and ESFRI in EOSC

Presentation of Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias 

Session 2. Consolidation of the Research Infrastructure landscape – how to make the most impact

Session 3. Fostering effective open access to Research Infrastructures 

Session 4. ESFRI framework for monitoring of Research Infrastructure performance

Session 5. National RI Roadmaps and funding models – improving synergies with European priorities and programmes

Session 6. Research Infrastructures in the evolving European Research Area: the role of ESFRI 


Los Cancajos, La Palma, Canary Islands. 08/11/2019

