Brussels, Belgium

The 1st ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup was recorded in full. Watch the video recording here.

After the fully digital High-Level Launch of the ESFRI Stakeholders Forum that took place on 24 March 2022 to mark its formal establishment, it is now finally time to meet in person and set the Stakeholders Forum deliberation and co-design processes in full motion.The 1st ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup will take place on 15 September 2022 at the Royal Belgian Institute (Museum) of Natural Sciences, in Brussels, as a full day event with physical presence.

ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup is an annual event bringing together research infrastructures (RIs), decision and policymakers, municipality, socio-economic actors, research organisations and higher education institutions which may contribute to or run the RIs, or are potential users of RIs. It aims to attract stakeholders of RIs, raise awareness across the whole research and innovation ecosystem, and facilitate cooperation and mutual learning between RIs and their stakeholders. Expected results include proposals for new and improved services by RIs, with their enhanced use across various communities, contributing to the impact and long-term sustainability of RIs.

At the first Meetup, on 15 September in Brussels, the panels will discuss the good practices and bottlenecks hindering the enhanced use of the RI’s services or delivery. Furthermore, the needs and future opportunities will be flagged. The event will try to address the following general questions:

- How is the current cooperation with the RIs perceived by the various communities?

- How can the use of existing RIs be improved? Can good practices and bottlenecks be identified?

- What are the needs and opportunities for fostering cooperation with existing and new RIs?


Please note that participation is available by invitation only.

Agenda_1st ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup_150922_Brussels (.pdf)

The 1st ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup was recorded in full. Watch the video recording here.

Agenda | Participation by invitation only

Thursday, 15 September 2022



Opening Session
Moderator: Prof. Carlo Rizzuto

Welcome addresses
ESFRI Chair, EC, BE delegation

Presentations and discussions:
Marek Vysinka, CZ Presidency, Head of Unit for research infrastructures at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Anna Panagopoulou, EC, Director ERA and Innovation, DG RTD
Jana Kolar, ESFRI Chair



Coffee Break


Plenary Session 1
Moderator: Apostolia Karamali, EC, Head of Unit R&I actors and research careers, DG RTD

Meeting stakeholder needs: objectives for stakeholder engagement 
Views from Research Infrastructures and ERA Stakeholders
- Francisco Colomer, ERIC Forum Chair 
- Andrew Harrison, ERF Chair
- Antoine Petit, G6 Chair
- Muriel Attane, EARTO, Secretary General
- David Bohmert, CESAER, Secretary General
- Βenjamin Martinez Sanchis, Policy and Advocacy Officer, The Coimbra Group
Magnus Fredriksson, Alfa Laval Technologies AB 


Lunch break


Parallel sessions (Panel discussion, Table discussions, Feedback discussion)
RIs as pillars in the ecosystem, addressing challenges

1. Climate: Gelsomina Pappalardo, ESFRI Executive Board
- Valerie Thouret, IAGOS, Chair of the Executive Board Download the presentation
- Fernando Diaz Lopez, Climate KIC
- Johannes Klumpers, EC, Senior Expert DG CLIMA and Head of Secretariat for the Climate Adaptation Mission Download the presentation 
- Rory Fitzgerald, European Social Survey ERIC, Director Download the presentation 
- Evgeni Evgeniev, EC, Policy Officer on Industrial Research, Innovation & Investment Agendas, DG RTD Download the presentation

2. Energy: Michael Ryan, ESFRI Executive Board 
- Louis Mazurkiewicz, Hydrogen Europe Research, Innovation Manager Download the presentation
- Harald Reichert, ESRF Download the presentation
- Sverre Quale, ECCSEL ERIC, Director Download the presentation
- Pauline Sentis, EC, Policy Officer on Industrial Research, Innovation & Investment Agendas, DG RTD Download the presentation

3. Oceans: Jean-Marie Flaud, Chair of ESFRI Strategy Working Group on Environment
- Jan Vanaverbeke, EMBRC, coordinator of Belgian node Download the presentation
- Juanjo Dañobeitia, EMSO, Director General Download the presentation
- Andreea Strachinescu, EC, Head of Unit Maritime innovation, Marine Knowledge and Investment, DG MARE
- Margherita Cappelletto, Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership 

4. Culture: Georg Lutz, Chair of ESFRI Strategy Working Group on Social and Cultural Innovation
- Costanza Miliani, E-RIHS, Scientiic coordinator of access to MOLAB
- Toma Tasovac, DARIAH ERIC, Director
- Johanna Leissner, EIT KIC Culture & Creativity (TBC)
- Alison Heritage, ICCROM (TBC)
- Gabi Lombardo, European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities, Director


Coffee break


Plenary Session 2
Feedback from parallel sessions
Moderator: Elena Hoffert, ESFRI Executive Board
Main outcomes from the sessions presented by the session rapporteurs followed by a discussion


Plenary Session 3
Moderator: David Bohmert
How to foster collaboration 
- Krisztina Anderberg Halasz, Regional Development, Region Skåne Download the presentation
- Isabelle Kratz, Secretary General, 4EU+ European University Alliance
- Robert McGreevy, ARIE, Member of the Board of Chairs Download the presentation
- Luca Moretti, G6 Download the presentation

Conclusions and close
Apostolia Karamali (EC), Jana Kolar (ESFRI Chair)

Visit of the Museum & cocktail

Outcomes of the 1st ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup

After the fully digital High-Level Launch of the ESFRI Stakeholders Forum that took place on 24 March 2022 to mark its formal establishment, the 1st ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup took place on 15 September 2022 at the Royal Belgian Institute (Museum) of Natural Sciences, in Brussels. It was organised as a full-day event with the limited physical presence of around 130 people to set the Stakeholders Forum deliberation and co-design processes in full motion.

The ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup is currently an annual event (bi-annual after 2023) bringing together Research Infrastructures (RIs), decision- and policy-makers, regions, socio-economic actors, research organisations, and higher education institutions which may contribute to or run RIs, or are potential users of RIs. It aims to attract stakeholders of RIs, raise awareness across the whole research and innovation ecosystem and facilitate cooperation and mutual learning between RIs and their stakeholders.

The 1st ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup was recorded in full.

Watch the video recording here.
Download the full report 1st ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup - Full Report here.

Summary of key messages

Engaging with stakeholders is fundamental for Research Infrastructures to provide services that meet evolving user needs and support science in delivering for our society and economy. The Stakeholders Forum aims to engage these actors and facilitate regular discussion among them. 

Research Infrastructures were called upon to interact with other communities, and increase the impactful role of RIs in fundamental research and in addressing societal challenges. The stakeholders were called to utilise the newly launched SH platform to keep the messages shared alive. The key messages will be further analysed and worked out through the ambitious ESFRI workplan.

Topics identified included, among others, how the different stakeholders perceive and interact with each other, where multi- and inter-disciplinarity exists, or can exist, training, education and skills, and where RIs can truly engage with industry.

Some key thematic areas were also discussed such as climate, energy, oceans and culture, with diverse messages that need further analysis. Funding mechanisms, pathways to sustainability and potential impact were also highlighted, bringing the experiences of several actors. Identified good practices prescribed a good mix of funding, from public to private, tracking costs (including the rising energy costs), cost-benefit analyses, and links with the local communities and economies. In particular, smart specialisation strategies were highlighted, combining research, educational, industrial, and innovation policies based on the strengths of the different regional areas to boost investments based on the region’s strengths and comparative advantages. The speakers and audience also stressed that the two-way communication between ESFRI and its stakeholders needs to be sustained, bringing the experience of the different actors together.

A strong takeaway message from the workshop was that closer links between RIs are needed in order to bring together and engage stakeholders around RIs and also connect RIs with users, as well as the R&I ecosystem overall. Rationalisation of the landscape is also important, including RIs beyond ESFRI of all sizes and also a connection to the different missions and partnerships. The role of the landscape and gap analyses was stressed, and several stakeholders offered their contributions from their experiences, including good practices, but also challenges and bottlenecks.


1st ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup - Full Report