  • amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The Exchange of Experience Workshop series (EoEs) provides a platform for effective, high-level interaction and networking  between ESFRI RI projects and aims to gather information about best practices of advanced RI projects and lessons learned to less advanced RIs and newcomers. The first workshop about the exchange of experiences will take place in the framework of the Launch Event of the 2016 Roadmap.

The main objective of the 1st  EoE workshop is to support effective, high-level interaction (exchange of experiences), coordination and networking between ESFRI Projects and selected ESFRI Landmarks, on the one hand, and the European Commission, ESFRI Working Group on Implementation (IG) and ESFRI Strategy Working Groups (SWG) on the other hand.
The workshop will thus mobilise substantial combined expertise (best practise) in setting up pan-European RIs with the aim to: 

  • present the new concept of Preparatory Phase projects;
  • discuss how to identify and overcome the main bottlenecks in RI implementation and how to effectively use EU funding to that end; 
  • inform about the current ESFRI objectives for implementation and of the forthcoming roadmap updates.



The workshop is mainly aimed at scientific leaders and managers of ESFRI Projects and Emerging Projects listed on the 2016 ESFRI Roadmap currently implementing or preparing for a Preparatory Phase under Horizon 2020. Representatives of selected ESFRI Landmarks will also be invited to discuss their experiences with such projects. The number of attendees is expected to be approx. 60 persons including speakers. Larger audience might be considered if the room capacity allows this. Participants will include:

  • 2-3 representatives from each of the ESFRI Projects on the 2016 Roadmap which are currently implementing a Preparatory Phase project or are eligible for Preparatory Phase funding under Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016;
  • up to 10 representatives of ESFRI Landmarks who would share their Preparatory Phase experiences;
  • Executive Board members and Chairs of Working Groups;
  • Representatives  of the European Commission;
  • StR -ESFRI representatives



Since the 2006 European Roadmap for Research Infrastructures, ESFRI  has continuously worked on identifying new (or upgrades of) research infrastructures (RIs) of strategic interest for Europe. As a result of the 2006 Roadmap and its updates in 2008 and 2010 as well as the 2015-2016 roadmapping exercise, the ESFRI Roadmap 2016 includes 21 ESFRI Projects (RIs in preparatory or pre-implementation phase) and 29 ESFRI Landmarks (RIs which are in the implementation phase or have already been implemented). 
To assist ESFRI Projects in implementation, the European Commission support under Horizon 2020 through dedicated Preparatory Phases, which are crucial steps in successful implementation of RIs on the ESFRI Roadmap. Due to this, it is of importance to use this EU funding as effectively as possible, focusing on the key aspects of implementation of a particular RI. As the ESFRI Roadmap 2016 includes a number of ESFRI Projects which are currently benefiting or will soon benefit from Preparatory Phase funding under Horizon 2020, the 1st Exchange of Experience workshop will focuse on “how to make the most effective use of experiences from these projects, as a crucial step in the implementation of an ESFRI RI”.


The workshop is organised by StR-ESFRI , in close cooperation with ESFRI and the European Commission (EC). It will be followed by social events including a visit to the Amsterdam Museum and a dinner invitation.  The workshop will be by invitation only and participation will be free of charge. Hotel and travel expenses have to be covered by each participant. Invitations will be sent out in the coming days. Registration will be open on 15th January 2016.



European Commission

  • Philippe Froissard, Deputy Head of Unit - Research Infrastructures,DG Research & Innovation, European Commission


ESFRI Roadmapprocess, links with national RI roadmaps and Smart Specialisation Strategies

  • Giorgio Rossi, ESFRI Vice-Chair


Lessons learnt from ESFRI evaluation and Assessment of Implementation

  • David Bohmert, former Chair of the ESFRI WG on Implementation; ESFRI Delegate


Preparatory Phase funding under Horizon 2020

  • Paul Tuinder, European Commission


1st Panel on Governance

  • Moderator: Odd Ivar Eriksen, Chair of the ESFRI WG on Implementation
  • Richard Schilizzi, former Director of SKA
  • Werner Kutsch, Director General, ICOS-ERIC
  • Andrew Smith, External Relations Manager, ELIXIR

Coffee break

2nd Panel on Funding

  • Moderator: Hans Chang, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • Antonella Calvia-Götz, EIB 
  • Jan-Eric Litton, Director General, BBMRI-ERIC
  • Carlo Rizzuto, Chair of the ELI-DC AISBL General Assembly

3rd Panel on Legal issues

  • Moderator: Paul Tuinder, European Commission
  • Susan Daenke, Coordinator, INSTRUCT
  • Jacques Demotes, Director General, ECRIN
  • Andrea Oepen, Head of European Relations, SHARE

Final Q&A, summary and wrap-up

  • Giorgio Rossi, ESFRI Vice-Chair

End of Workshop


Registration form
This event requires that you register in advance in order to attend. Please login here in order to use the registration form.