Curriculum vitae
As experimental particle physicist, he has spent most of his activity at various international and national Laboratories, and conducted researches at high energy particle colliders (LEP and LHC at CERN, DAFNE at Frascati), to study the fundamental interactions between elementary constituents of Matter. He has been deeply involved in the management of large international collaborations and of research infrastructures. He has been the international spokesperson of the LHCb Collaboration, one of the four large detectors at the LHC collider.
He has directed the INFN Frascati Labs, and he has been member of INFN Directors’ Board and of CERN Laboratory Directors’ Group. In the same period, he has also been component of the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA). He contributed to the European Strategy Group, which prepared the 2020 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. Since January 2020, he is the representative of University and Research Ministry in the INFN Executive Board, and since 2021 Italian ESFRI Delegate. In the same Board, he is taking care of Large INFN Research Infrastructures.
He has been member of several Scientific Committees of Review Panels, International Conferences, and chair of the Future Circular Collider Steering Committee at CERN. He received the honorary title of "Commendatore al Merito" given by the President of the Italian Republic, for scientific merits, and he has been awarded with the Italian Physical Society Prize "Enrico Fermi" in 2013.
He is co-author of more than 600 scientific papers in the field of experimental particle physics. He is currently staff at INFN, as Research Director.