Third pillar of ELI in Hungary gets the go ahead

On 8th May 2014, the European Commission has approved an investment of € 111 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the building of the third part of the cutting edge pan-European Laser research hub ELI, Extreme Light Infrastructure. The project, which uses super-short laser pulses, involves the installation of state-of-the art technology at the facility to be built near the University of Szeged in Hungary. 


EC publishes the draft European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures

The European Commission has published a "European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures".  e-IRG was one of the contributors to this charter.  Research Infrastructures include e-Infrastructures such as PRACE (supercomputers), GEANT (Networking), EGI (Cloud federation), IDGF (Crowd computing) and many others. The Charter sets the basis for a common understanding of what an Access policy for Research Infrastructures is and of its underlying implications.


Linking European and Chinese Research Infrastructures through the ORIENTplus project

For the last four years, the ORIENTplus project has been providing direct super-fast Internet connectivity between the research and education communities in Europe and Chine. The project provided the highest capacity connection and the shortest network path between the two regions.
The ORIENTplus project which ran from July 2011 for 42 months and received EUR 1 million in EU funding, involved multinational partners.


RadioNet3 supported radio astronomers team observed the initial conditions of massive star formation

Massive stars are responsible not only for some of the most spectacular phenomena in the Universe, but also for the production of heavy elements, key for the origin of life. An international team of astronomers has recently used the transnational access to the 30m telescope of the Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique (IRAM) in Spain to observe one of the darkest, densest and most quiescent molecular cloud in our Galaxy, where massive stars are in the making.



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