Simon Lambert is a project manager and researcher in Data Science and Techology Group in Scientific Computing Department at the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC—now part of UKRI) in the UK. Since 2006 he has concentrated on projects in digital data preservation and data/metadata management, particularly applied to scientific data. He was the joint coordinator of APARSEN, a large Network of Excellence partly funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme that brought together 31 diverse organisations across Europe to develop a common vision and a Virtual Centre of Excellence in digital preservation. He has also contributed to European studies of openness in scientific data (the ODE project) and open access publishing (SOAP), and was the STFC site manager for EUDAT 2020. From December 2017 he is the overall coordinator of the FREYA project, developing persistent identifiers (PIDs) into a core component of the European and global e-infrastructure. Previously he also worked in knowledge management and knowledge-based systems.