ESFRI releases its Annual Report for 2017-2018!This Biannual Report presents the results of the previous two years of ESFRI’s activity. This report is published for transparent information on the activity of ESFRI to all interested stakeholders and the general public and it is in particular made available to the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament. The Report is not a strategy document as it is only a record of activities and meetings - Plenary Forum Meetings, Executive Board and Working Group Chairs Meetings, ad... |
New study: 'Guidelines on Cost Estimation of Research Infrastructures' by StR-ESFRIA new study has been added to the ESFRI library. The study 'Guidelines on Cost Estimation of Research Infrastructures' is developed in the framework of the StR-ESFRI...
Towards the ESFRI Roadmap 2021: Call for proposals will be launched soonESFRI, holding a key role in policy making on Research Infrastructures invites and welcomes the research community to engage and participate in the process of updating the Roadmap by submitting proposals that will take Europe’s excellent research further. Following the publication of the ESFRI Roadmap 2018, ESFRI has now entered the process towards the new Roadmap for Research Infrastructures in Europe (...
Save the Date: Roadmap 2021 InfoDayThe ESFRI Strategic Report on RIs in Europe, known as the ESFRI Roadmap, has been, for the past 18 years, the prestigious result of a laborious collaborative process aspiring to guarantee the creation of and access to large international Research Infrastructures with the vision to expand European scientific excellence. ESFRI organises an Information Day on 25 September 2019 in Brussels, with the aim to inaugurate the...