ERIC Forum publishes new corporate brochure

The ERIC Forum has published its new corporate brochure aiming to introduce the general public to the ERIC community, its activities and scope. It is also targeted towards various ERIC Forum stakeholders such as policy makers, European Research Infrastructures, and Research communities in academia and industry. Through different sections, the brochure answers the following questions:


ENRIITC: Survey for Industry Liaison and Contact Officers network

The Horizon 2020 project ENRIITC, which is coordinated by the European Spallation Source (ESS), aims to build a permanent pan-European network of Industry Liaison and Contact Officers (ILOs/ICOs) and enable industry to become a full partner of research infrastructures whether it is as a user, supplier or a co-...


HLG Report: Supporting the Transformative Impact of RIs on European Research

The European Commission published the final report of the High-Level Expert Group to Assess the Progress of ESFRI and Other World Class Research Infrastructures Towards Implementation and Long-Term Sustainability. This report by an independent group of experts carries out a thorough assessment of EU support to the preparatory phase and implementation of pan-European Research Infrastructures, looking at the...


Press Release: ESFRI's first online 72nd Plenary Meeting conclusions


ESFRI first online two-day 72nd Plenary Meeting concludes – solid steps towards Roadmap 2021 update, faster pace to implement “Making Science Happen” policies decided

The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures concluded its first ever fully online Plenary meeting this week, broadcasting to the Research & Innovation community in Europe a clear message that, especially in these challenging times, Pan-European...

