Czech Republic's Roadmap of Large RIs: 2019 update

The latest 2019 update to the Large RIs Roadmap has framed the large research infrastructures policy-making and public funding in the Czech Republic in 2020-2022, with a view to 2029. The Roadmap consists of an overview of the large research infrastructures agenda development in the Czech Republic since 2009, comprising the presentation of a total of 48 large research infrastructure projects of the Czech Republic that are implemented in the areas of physical sciences and engineering, energy...


A new report on UK's National RI Roadmap is published

The UKRI Infrastructure Roadmap Programme has now published "The UK’s research and innovation infrastructure: opportunities to grow our capability" report. This report provides an overview of potential infrastructure opportunities that could lead to a step-change in the capability available to researchers and innovators over the next ten years and summarises opportunities under a set of strategic themes.
The report can be found on the...


Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures: 2019 update

The 2019 Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures serves as a strategic planning instrument towards the advancement of research in multiple scientific disciplines. Specifically, it provides an overview of newly planned national infrastructures and of Switzerland’s participation in international research infrastructures. It also reviews the progress made in realising the infrastructures proposed in the 2015 Roadmap. Furthermore, it forms the basis for drawing up the dispatch on funding for...


Towards the ESFRI Roadmap 2021 - a new ambition for European science

Launching the call for proposals for the ESFRI Roadmap 2021, Jan Hrušák, Chair of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, called for a new ambition for European science to go beyond the existing frontiers of knowledge and find sustainable solutions to growing global challenges. Speaking at the Roadmap 2021 Info Day on 25 September 2019 in Brussels...

