ERF-AISBL launches questionnaire for RIs: Working practices of analytical facilities during the pandemicsThe on-going pandemic has strongly impacted the operations of analytical facilities. To protect their staff, several research infrastructures are closed for operations, while others provide only limited access, primarily focused on COVID-19 related research. Yet the crisis is likely to last months and many facilities will consider restarting their services, albeit remotely and limited in scale. To assist RIs in this transition, ERF-AISBL is... |
Solidarity with Europe: JRC science against COVID-19Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre has used its extensive knowledge and expertise to inform the EU’s policy responses. Experts across the JRC have been analysing the crisis, anticipating its impacts and supporting the development of an exit strategy, among several other activities. JRC scientists are working hard to help tackle the emergency and protect people’s health,... |
European Research Infrastructures offer critical services in the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) outbreakA dedicated page ( has been activated, and is being regularly updated, with services and tools provided by national and European Research Infrastructures to scientists, medical personnel in the field and health system administrators fighting COVID-19 Brussels, 30 March 2020 |
ESFRI ROADMAP 2021: new deadline for proposalsThe deadline for proposals for ESFRI Roadmap 2021 has been extended to 9 September 2020 in response to the COVID-19 crisis. The original call is updated without any other modifications.
Brussels, 26 March 2020
In the face of the public health crisis caused by the coronavirus outbreak, and the resulting impact on the daily lives of all of us and on the ability of research organisations to effectively collaborate across countries,... |