www.esfri.eu Evaluation Survey

Welcome to the ESFRI Website Evaluation Questionaire. The purpose of this survey is to measure the satisfaction level of the ESFRI website visitors, investigate further needs and services. Your opinion is very important to us; as a visitor to this portal, you are the one that can best contribute to its improvement and further development. We would like to kindly ask you to dedicate a few minutes of your time to complete this questionnaire by March, 2nd. 



ESFRI Scripta Volume III is now published: Innovation-oriented cooperation of Research Infrastructures

The third volume of the ESFRI Scripta series is built on the outcomes of the ad hoc Working Group on Innovation as approved by the Forum in March 2016. This ESFRI Scripta volume 'Innovation-oriented cooperation of Research Infrastructures' describes the different forms of industry and Research Infrastructure collaboration that generate innovation: industry as supplier for the construction / upgrade of the RIs,...


A snapshot of UK research infrastructures

The UK’s excellence in research and innovation is in part built on an extensive, dynamic and highly interdisciplinary landscape of world-class research infrastructures. Research infrastructures are facilities, resources and services used by the research community to conduct research and promote innovation.This paper presents a snapshot of the UK’s research infrastructures in 2017,...


The 2nd Exchange of Experience Workshop Report is now available online

The 2nd EoE Workshop to exchange experience and best practise was focused on the monitoring and periodic review of Research Infrastructures on the ESFRI Roadmap. A summary of its main outcomes is now available in the 2nd Exchange of Experience Workshop Report

