John Womersley hands over ESFRI Chairmanship to Giorgio RossiToday, June 30th 2016, Professor John Womersley will hand the Chairmanship of ESFRI over to Giorgio Rossi, Professor of Physics at the State University of Milan and head of the 'Physical Science and Engineering' Strategic Working Group. Following John Womersley’s active and dedicated chairmanship, Giorgio Rossi will be the new ESFRI Chair and he shall hold the position...
European Landscape of Research Infrastructures: Neutron scattering facilities in Europe - Present status and future perspectivesESFRI Physical Sciences and Engineering Strategy Working Group - Neutron Landscape Group |
ESFRI SWGs Chairs introducing the new Roadmap on Research Infrastructures: Watch short interviewsOn the occasion of the ESFRI Roadmap 2016 Launch Event, the ESFRI chair and Working Group chairs, gave short interview statements celebrating the new roadmap and describing the contribution, challenges and work of their Working Group. The event took place in the Royal Netherlands Academy of Art & Sciences, Amsterdam (10.03.2016) and Sander Dekker, Dutch State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science welcomed the... |
Giorgio Rossi on the 2016 Roadmap and its new feature: the Landscape AnalysisOn the occasion of the ESFRI Roadmap 2016 Launch Event, the new ESFRI Chair and former Chair of the Strategy Working Group on Physical Sciences and Engineering, Giorgio Rossi, talks about the 2016 Roadmap on RIs pointing to its new feature, the landscape analysis: |