EGI fast-track call for COVID-19 research projectsAs the coronavirus, and its related consequences, spread across the globe, EGI and Open Science Grid (OSG) in the USA are joining forces to commit specialized technical support, specialized simulation tools, and compute and storage resources, to accelerate progress on COVID-19 research. The EGI Federation is calling for... |
ERA vs. Corona Action PlanIn response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Commission announced a set of short-term coordinated research and innovation actions at EU level, the ERA vs. Corona Action Plan. The Action Plan sets out key measures to coordinate, share, and increase support for R&I. In particular, for Research... |
ERIC Forum against COVID-19European Research Infrastructures, many of them organised as European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs), are essential resource to the researchers studying the many aspects of the pandemics. Addressing issues such as development of the vaccine and medicines, insights into the social challenges, and the impact on environment, the ERICs support researchers to find solutions to the current crisis. Within the ERIC landscape, many of the ERICs have... |
ERF-AISBL launches questionnaire for RIs: Working practices of analytical facilities during the pandemicsThe on-going pandemic has strongly impacted the operations of analytical facilities. To protect their staff, several research infrastructures are closed for operations, while others provide only limited access, primarily focused on COVID-19 related research. Yet the crisis is likely to last months and many facilities will consider restarting their services, albeit remotely and limited in scale. To assist RIs in this transition, ERF-AISBL is... |