The audiovisual material of the 3rd EoE Workshop is available onlineThe 3rd Exchange of Experience Workshop on "Effective Use of Preparatory Phase Funding'" took place in Vienna (12th September) and with more than 50 participants succeeded in enabling high level interaction, coordination and networking between ESFRI Projects and ESFRI Landmarks. The workshop reviewed the typical steps of an RI in the (up to) ten-year preparation and early implementation phase.
The ESFRI Roadmap 2018 on RIs in Europe is available online!The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures presents the updated Strategy Report and Roadmap 2018 that identifies eight scientifically leading Projects from previous Roadmaps which, after ten years of incubation, have reached the operational phase, or are well advanced in their construction, and deserved the ESFRI Landmark status, as well as six new Projects that were selected, among the collected proposals, for their strategic... |
WATCH LIVE: ESFRI Roadmap 2018 PRESENTATIONWatch Live from Vienna the presentation of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Roadmap 2018 of the, in the framework of the Austrian Presidency events, at Aula der Wissenschaften. The ESFRI Roadmap 2018 is a vivid demonstration of the high merit and potential of European collaboration in developing visions and sustainable perspectives for an interoperable Research Infrastructure ecosystem...
ESFRI at ICRI2018ESFRI will participate in the International Conference for Research Infrastructures in Europe, ICRI2018 (12-14 September 2018). The Roadmap 2018 on Research Infrastructures will be presented in the conference exhibition area to all interested parties. Participants from more than 50 countries are expected to take part in the International Conference for Research Infrastructures. Speakers representing high-level stakeholders from across the globe and high... |