Save the Date: Roadmap 2021 InfoDay

The ESFRI Strategic Report on RIs in Europe, known as the ESFRI Roadmap, has been, for the past 18 years, the prestigious result of a laborious collaborative process aspiring to guarantee the creation of and access to large international Research Infrastructures with the vision to expand European scientific excellence.
ESFRI organises an Information Day on 25 September 2019 in Brussels, with the aim to inaugurate the...


ESFRI RIs and EOSC: a tango exercise explained by Prof. Ana Proykova

Ana Proykova, the Chair of ESFRI Strategy Working Group on Data, Computing and Digital Research Infrastructures, talks about the interaction between ESFRI and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).


Conference publication 'Stay tuned to the future. Impact of the RIs in Social Sciences and Humanities'

ESFRI offers condolences over the loss of Marc De Jonge, Chair of SWG on Environment

ESFRI, on behalf of its Chair Jan Hrusak, expressed deepest condolences over the loss of Marc R. de Jonge, Chair of the Strategy Working Group on Environment.
Marc was not only a valuable member of the Forum and played a crucial role in the development of European RI policies, but also for many ESFRI delegates, has been a good friend and a warm, gentle and very knowledgeable person.

