ESFRI 72nd Plenary Meeting conclusions | Press release
The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures concluded its first ever fully online Plenary meeting on June 17th 2020, broadcasting to the Research & Innovation community in Europe a clear message that, especially in these challenging times, Pan-European large scale Research Infrastructures, as a component of the new European Research Area, are a key pillar for a science-based response and a major facilitator of innovation and societal change.The Forum convened in full form and capacity, with 90 national delegates and experts coming from most EU Member States and Associated Countries closely following and shaping lively discussions on European Research Infrastructures and the response of ESFRI and the RI ecosystem to the COVID-19 pandemic. Importantly, the Forum decided to take solid steps towards Roadmap 2021 update, and to accelarate the implementation of the policies outlined in the “Making Science Happen” White Paper that was published this Spring.