13:00 | Registration
14:00 | Welcome | European Commission
Philippe Froissard, Deputy Head of Unit - Research Infrastructures, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission
14:05 | ESFRI Roadmap process, links with national RI roadmaps and Smart Specialisation Strategies
Giorgio Rossi, ESFRI Vice-Chair
14:20 | Lessons learnt from ESFRI evaluation and Assessment of Implementation
David Bohmert, former Chair of the ESFRI WG on Implementation; ESFRI Delegate
14:45 | Preparatory Phase funding under Horizon 2020
Paul Tuinder, European Commission
15:00 | 1st Panel on Governance
Moderator: Odd Ivar Eriksen, Chair of the ESFRI WG on Implementation
Richard Schilizzi, former Director of SKA
Werner Kutsch, Director General, ICOS-ERIC
Andrew Smith, External Relations Manager, ELIXIR
15:45 | Coffee break
16:00 | 2nd Panel on Funding
Moderator: Hans Chang, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Antonella Calvia-Götz, EIB
Jan-Eric Litton, Director General, BBMRI-ERIC
Carlo Rizzuto, Chair of the ELI-DC AISBL General Assembly
16:45 | 3rd Panel on Legal issues
Moderator: Paul Tuinder, European Commission
Susan Daenke, Coordinator, INSTRUCT
Jacques Demotes, Director General, ECRIN
Andrea Oepen, Head of European Relations, SHARE
17:30 | Final Q&A, summary and wrap-up
Giorgio Rossi, ESFRI Vice-Chair
18:00 | End of Workshop