The Workshop will take place at the National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Knikhef).  

Nikhef is situated at Amsterdam Science Park.

Science Park 105
1098 XG Amsterdam


The congress rooms entrance is opposite to the Nikhef entrances (Nikhef is Science Park 105, The congress rooms are Science Park nr. 125)



Participants will have to cover the cost of their accommodation. Please note that the workshop is taking place during a very busy period for the city of Amsterdam (Dutch Presidency) and early  booking is advised. Should you need any support  in booking your hotel, you may contact

Below, we provide a list of recommended hotels. All listed hotels are located along tram line 9 -the tramline closest to Nikhef- but still a 20 min walk.
Eden Manor Hotel is closest to Nikhef. Prices vary between 80-150 euro (depending on season and availability).
There is also a good train connection between Amsterdam Central Station and Amsterdam Science Park.